I have nothing to wear, Part 1

Let’s face it the problem is not in the quantity of clothes in your closet

Be honest how many times this happened - you have to go out, you open your closet and dread overwhelms you - I have nothing to wear!!! The problem isn’t that tour closet is empty, on the contrary 9 out of 10 it is full to the brim. Then what is it? Why do we feel this way? Number one problem - boredom, you’re bored with your “garderobe”. Number two - you cannot make up your mind.

Let’s deal with the first problem.
Step one - go to your closet and toss out, give away, put on a poshmark anything that doesn’t evoke any feelings when you touch it, anything that is a size too small and you’re keeping it for when you loose the weight. What? I already don’t have what to wear? Relax, this is necessary to clean the canvas, cut through the noise and start building functional wardrobe or capsule wardrobe.

Step two - examine what’s left. Does rest if your clothes are ready mix and match? If not what is missing? Are you left only with the tops and d no bottoms or vice versa? Colors don’t match? Are they all the same? Now you came to the root of the problem.

Step three - go to very strategic shopping. Bring the top or bottom that is missing a partner with you and start experimenting. When shopping don’t be afraid to go out of your comfort zone, don’t be afraid to try the garments you think are not going to suit you or is “not your style” you might be surprised. One more thing ALWAYS buy clothes your size, especially pants! One size too small but still fitting is not going to make you look thinner, quite opposite.

Happy organizing and shopping!

Next time how to match shapes and colors.


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