Some reflections on current events

I am still churning everything in my head. Do you also have the feeling that you are living in SciFi movie? I do, sometimes I feel like loosing my grip on reality. I do not have TV, I do not listen to mass media, I decided to approach everything from the observer position and make my own conclusions. Still not done with those. I heard someone recently said “everyone lies, the truth should be in statements that appear similar in very different sources” so I am in search of those crumbs plus my personal evaluation. One thing is for sure we made a mess of this world and cannot continue ‘business as usual” Below are my thoughts on various topics.

Quarantine. I am not one of those people who denies the presence of the virus. What I do believe that it is most likely artificially made and released with agenda, not going to go into speculations what and why, but I have the feeling that it is falling apart. What I am begging everyone right now, please be a critical thinker don’t do things just because someone said so. Observe, think, evaluate and only then act. Ideally we should get out of this mess more educated, with a new skills and hopefully with better vision for the future.

Fashion. My business as a fashion designer would be decimated if not a need for PPE. Second week after quarantine started I began to produce face masks. Now here my education as textile chemical engineer and artist really came in handy. It was my golden hour. That doesn't mean I haven’t spent hours and hours, research after research to find the best and accessible materials and patterns even before I sat behind the sewing machine. This was the answer to the need. But… in my heart I am fashion designer, I want to create. Most of my public outlets were fashion shows, now as we know it they are gone. Maybe forever, just as I was invited ti Ibiza, Paris and Milan. As an answer I produced my virtual show. you can see it in my previous post. What is the future of the fashion? Interesting question, I believe many many online events yet to come. Internet might become our savor, but again it has to be done differently. Now more than ever I want to get to know my client, I want to see the face, feel how my fashion aligns with the lifestyle, interests, body image. One more thing, textile in general is very dirty business, literally and fashion production in both ways. I don't want to continue and I don't want other brands to continue this trend of underpaid, overworked workers in sweat shops.

BLM. I do not want to issue any statements like other businesses are rushing in. First I am not quite qualified to talk about it without proper education. I grew up in 100% white country. The first black person I got in contact with was after I moved to Chicago. As an immigrant I felt very much how you can be marginalized just because you speak English with an accent, how employers pay you only fraction of the salary the US born people are getting, but this is just inconvenience, maybe hurtful injustice, never a treat to my life. Raised on a notion that all people are created equal and you suppose to treat other person as you want to be treated, the existence of systematic and personal racism is somewhat mind boggling. I will continue to treat other's like I want to be treated. Important thing if you need my support or help just reach out.

Looting. This one is simple, please do not destroy small businesses. Some families, just like yours will never survive this. This action only puts you on a villain category, hard to get allies this way. Just look how India got independence and fall of Berlin Wall. To make a major political change you need majority people on your side.


I have nothing to wear, Part 1


The Beginning of the Journey