The Beginning of the Journey

For the longest time I thought that I am just incapable to write, especially in English. It is my fifth language after all. Until my English professor told me that I can write poetry in English. What??? my brain exploded, I had convinced myself that I can do just about anything but write. Not even in my native Lithuanian. To my complete horror the seed was seeded and today it came to fruition in this beginning of my blog journey.

It is a strange moment to start anything. I feel that I woke up in the world I have no idea about. I don’t know the rules, I don't know how it works. So here is one radical idea why don't I make my own rules. I have to try doing something new, something I've never done. Here's the start, here where this journey begins.

Now what can you expect to find here? A valid question, and it would be probably unfair from me to leave you in the dark. I will be writing about fashion, style, fabrics, some how-to tips about sewing. Basically topic I know about. Makes sense, right. Then there’s my fear to become boring. Nobody wants that, so here’s the deal - I am going to invite guest writers to share their expertise on different topics. This should be interesting. I personally cannot wait.

Not to bore you from the first entry my question to you - what do you want to learn about? And more interesting - what have you done for the first time lately? I did my first video and started YouTube channel.


Some reflections on current events